Nord-Est , mapping memories. From April 5 to July 13, 2024.

Graphic Design : Bonjour Garçon
Graphic Design : Bonjour Garçon

Friday, July 12, 2024
Closing of the exhibition (5pm-8pm)

- 5pm: Screening of Neil Beloufa's film People's Palace

- 6pm: Mémoires des mémoires, discussion with Antoine Poncet
As part of the lecture series initiated by Thomas Hirschhorn

- 7pm: Les raisons du loup, a performance by Jonathan Potana
In partnership with Centre d'art Ygrec

At a time when all eyes are on the Seine-Saint-Denis département in this Olympic year, Nord-Est, cartographie des résonances would like to remind us that the 93 département is not just a breeding ground for athletes, but is also home to an unprecedented effervescence of artistic and cultural diversity, a place where art lives, pulsates, breathes and is shared. The artists and craftspeople who have worked here for decades, often behind the scenes, are part of this industrial heritage, shaping a unique and vibrant cultural landscape.

By inviting the department's historic cultural venues, associations, residents, resident artists and artists working in Seine-Saint-Denis to pass through Quatre Chemins, POUSH is opening its doors to give a voice to the actors of the 93 through artistic, participative and social interventions.

La Coupole is transformed into a playground, a stage, a cartography of the neighbourhood where participants are free to seize control, make their voices heard and take their place.

This exhibition-event, conceived as a celebration, aims to reveal the cultural richness of Seine-Saint-Denis to these residents and to anyone who is curious or an art lover.

Guest artists and venues: Le 6b [La collection du 6b, Arthur Crestani, Gilberto Güiza-Rojas, Aurélie Herbet, Les Sœurs Chevalme, ], Pooya Abbasian, Charlie Aubry, Neïl Beloufa, Cecilia Bengolea, Yacob Bizuneh, Lucile Boiron & Dana-Fiona Armour, Jennifer Caubet, Elliott Causse, Centre d’art Ygrec-ENSAPC, Collection départementale d’art contemporain de la Seine-Saint-Denis, Emmanuelle Ducrocq, Deborah Fischer, Fondation Fiminco [Younès Ben Slimane, Célia Boulesteix, Mollie Burke, Sarah-Anaïs Desbenoit, Darius Dolatyari Dolatdoust, Sophia Mainka, Gohar Martirosyan, Pascale Rémita], Thomas Hirschhorn, Luke James, KRAKEN, Anouck Lemarquis, Anaïs Leroy, Alice Louradour, Thibault Lucas, Eva Anna Maréchal, La Méditerranée, Le Mélangeur, [Niveau Zéro Atelier, Samir Mougas, Morgane Tschiember], Eléa-Jeanne Schmitter, Maya Inès Touam, Nanténé Traoré, Joris Valenzuela, Louis Verret

The program of this exhibition-event will evolve, welcoming new artists.

From April 5 to July 13, 2024
Visits Thursday to Sunday, 2 to 7 pm
Registration here

☕️ Galbi, the POUSH canteen, is open until 9pm on Thursdays and Fridays, for lunch, a snack or a drink.

Credit Ismaël Bazri
Credit Ismaël Bazri
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Ismaël Bazri
Credit Ismaël Bazri
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole
Credit Aurélien Mole