Navire Nights, literary manifestations. July 20, 2023.



Navire Nights. VERS LA JOIE - July 20, 7-11pm - Cross-reading by Gaëlle Obiégly and Fanny Wallendorf, with live sound by u2p050. DJ set by MELANIN.

Navire Nights aims to promote a different idea of musical readings, which are often exclusive cultural practices. Our aim is to return reading to its sensory dimension: the emotion of words, what they do to the body. Make the discovery of texts a place of shared intimacy. Explore the joy of literature. The authors, immersed in a sound and visual device, are invited to read fragments of their texts. The performances are anchored in open, unpartitioned spaces, where words, freed from their rigidity, are experienced collectively. The program should be embodied in emerging writing that questions and challenges classical forms, weaving a literature that is as close to the times as possible. The challenge would be to provoke encounters between singular, sometimes distant voices, and to show what this friction produces. As far as the soundscape is concerned, the idea would be to get authors and musicians to work together to imagine an immersive musical setting adapted to the texts read.

Hosted and supported by POUSH.