Across Sexualities, an exhibition by Alter Ego X. From 27 november to 12 december.

© Alter Ego X
© Alter Ego X

Transcending the voices of those we do not hear through words of intimacy.

Across Sexualities is an international project connecting Serbia, Croatia and France. This initiative intends to give a voice and visibility to LGBTQI+ persons in these countries through a sound and photo exhibition.

The LGBTQI+ rights movement is born from the voices that went out in the streets to proclaim their existence. This exhibition is meant to perpetuate the soul of the revolt of the 1970s, like a fire that doesn’t go out, to prolong it in a more intimate way. Intimacy refers to the true nature, the essence of a conscious being. Asserting oneself as an LGBTQI+ person means facing one’s inner sphere. Building oneself in secrecy, trusting oneself and often only oneself, because the outside is synonymous with fear, stepping outside one’s comfort zone.

We come from the theater, visuals arts and music, and we have decided to unite our sensibilities to shine a light on people who, still today, are too often forgotten. People who are not given their right to sp eak, for whom the dangerous powers of our society shape narrations to create fear, to manipulate and hide the fact that they do not fulfill their obligations!

On our path, we have met stunning, beautiful people, who have an incredible courage and who offered us fragments of their existence.

Across Sexualities makes life audible and visible: its miseries, its tears, but also its hope.

These stories are soldiers’ stories, soldiers of peace, soldiers in full revolt.


ALTER EGO (X), the European theater company that initiated the Across Sexualities, project, aims to give a voice to all individuals, their languages and stories, through multiple artistic forms.

Artistic direction – Théo Majcher // Collection of stories – Théo Majcher & the social workers and volunteers of Fondation Le Refuge // Musical composition – Serafin Aebli // Photography – Zacharie Madane // Scenography: Michel Jocaille // Production: Louise Rivet.

Partners and supporters: Fondation Le Refuge, Paris (France) // Kulturanova, Novi Sad (Serbia) // This is a Domino Project, Zagreb (Croatia) // Label Paris Europe // Ville de Paris // DILCRAH (Délégation Inter ministérielle à la Lutte Contre le Racisme, l’Antisémitisme et la Haine anti-

LGBT) // POUSH-Manifesto.


Across Sexualities, from November 27 to December 12, 2021, Monday to Wednesday, 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Registration is required.